rethink bullying


Bullying is bad. But much of the “anti-bullying” campaign has fallen short. We’d all enjoy a kinder world, but we can be empowered to be resilient in adversities.
We’re made to be more. Rethink bullying. Here’s how.

Recent Episodes


Suicide leaves behind an aftermath of pain. Host, Egypt Ali opens a dark door of stories from those who chose suicide. Egypt, once feeling suicide was her only option offers real hope to those still suffering.

The Secret To Living In A Broken World ep.2

Restoration Continues
In the midst of current heightened racial unrest, pandemics and extreme divisiveness everywhere – there is HOPE.

The Secret to Living in a Broken World ep. 1

Restoration Of Hope
Brokenness in our world needs reconciliation as divisions and differences continue to tear it apart.



Emerson – from Ghana, Africa

Here in my side of the world, God’s word is always laced with religion (like fried chicken with cholesterol ). I needed something different. Something that wouldn’t make me feel guilty and dejected. Something rugged and unbiased by religion… And this is what I found MXTV


I have a lot of ups and downs. I go to church and bible class, but I’m scared I am going to go back to drinking beer. Your show helps me. Please pray for me.

Jerri – 18

I’ve been watching a while. I got saved. And I kept watching it and I would pray every time you said pray. Now two years later I’m still walking with Christ. I still watch it. You guys have really helped me a lot.

Earl – incarcerated, 24yrs old

MXTV has been a part of my life here for over 8 years. You have changed my heart with the Word. Thank you for saying all of those verses about how much God loves me.

JK Harding

MXTV has changed my life on so many levels. I was starting to lose my faith and belief in God and now I feel like I have grown closer than I ever was in the beginning. I’d like to thank everybody that works with MXTV for helping me grow closer to God. Keep MXTV alive and kicking.


The world is so negative today. I just happened to turn on the TV and I got a lot of hope and the TV seemed to be speaking to me and my family.


When I was pretty young, I went through a horrible time playing with drinking and smoking, and even though I’m embarrassed to say I would even cut myself, among other things I’d rather not mention. I was constantly depressed. Thankfully God helped me quit all of that stuff. Your show has helped a lot.


Thank you. You guys came across as unpretentious, genuine, but most importantly convinced that the word of God is the only truth we can depend on. I saw all of that in your unique style. I will watch again.


I find myself developing a little bit more of an understanding of God every time I watch.


I like the music but I especially l like the preaching part. Because it feels like you’re not preaching at us but to us. It feels like you’re talking to us, not at us.

Robert Cook

Something hit me. The things you said seemed to make some good sense to me. I knew God had been pulling at my heart for some time, you made it so clear to me what I needed to do. I needed Jesus in my life. My life is being changed, I can feel it.


The problem I have with churches and televangelism is the way that I feel ‘talked down to’ by preachers and religious folk. I need someone to talk ‘to’ me not ‘at’ me. It was nice to see you guys talking a language that can be understood by us. I was moved by the message and prayed with you. Thanks for the inspiring show.

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